Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency with Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

Protect your home from cold drafts and rodents with Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting. Easy to install and energy-efficient.

Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is the revolutionary solution to all your skirting woes. With its advanced insulation technology, this skirting provides perfect protection from cold drafts and energy loss. But that's not all; it also boasts superior durability and aesthetics, making it the ideal choice for modern-day homeowners. Moreover, this skirting is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run. So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your home's skirting with Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting and enjoy unparalleled benefits.


As winter approaches, homeowners are looking for ways to keep their homes warm and energy-efficient. One of the most overlooked areas of a house when it comes to insulation is the skirting. Many people don't realize that the space between the ground and their mobile home or foundation can let in cold air, causing their heating bills to skyrocket.


The Benefits of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

Rigid foam insulated skirting is an effective way to insulate the underside of a mobile home or foundation. The skirting is made of panels of rigid foam insulation that are installed around the perimeter of the home. The panels are then covered with a layer of vinyl or other material to protect them from the elements.

The benefits of rigid foam insulated skirting are numerous. First and foremost, it provides an effective barrier against cold air, keeping your home warmer and more comfortable during the winter months. It also helps to reduce energy costs by preventing heat loss through the floor of your home.


Installation Process

The installation process for rigid foam insulated skirting is relatively simple. The first step is to measure the perimeter of your home to determine how much material you will need. Once you have your materials, you will need to excavate a shallow trench around the perimeter of your home. This trench will serve as the foundation for your skirting.

Next, you will need to install the foam panels around the perimeter of your home. The panels are typically held in place with metal brackets or screws. Once the panels are in place, you will need to cover them with a layer of vinyl or other material to protect them from the elements.


Types of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

There are several different types of rigid foam insulated skirting available on the market today. The most common types include:

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Skirting

EPS skirting is made of expanded polystyrene foam. It is lightweight, easy to install, and provides good insulation. EPS skirting is also relatively inexpensive, making it a popular choice for homeowners.


Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Skirting

XPS skirting is made of extruded polystyrene foam. It is denser and more durable than EPS skirting, making it a better choice for areas with harsh weather conditions. XPS skirting is also more expensive than EPS skirting.


Polyurethane (PU) Skirting

PU skirting is made of polyurethane foam. It is the most expensive type of rigid foam insulated skirting, but it also provides the best insulation. PU skirting is also the most durable and long-lasting option.



One of the great things about rigid foam insulated skirting is that it requires very little maintenance. The vinyl or other material that covers the foam panels is designed to withstand the elements, so you don't have to worry about replacing it frequently.

However, it's still important to inspect your skirting periodically to make sure that it hasn't been damaged by animals or other factors. If you notice any damage, it's important to repair it as soon as possible to prevent cold air from seeping into your home.


Rigid foam insulated skirting is a simple and effective way to keep your mobile home or foundation warm and energy-efficient during the winter months. With several different types of skirting available, you can choose the option that best fits your budget and needs. By installing rigid foam insulated skirting, you can enjoy a more comfortable and affordable living space all winter long.

Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a way to insulate and protect the underside of your home? If so, Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting may be the solution you've been searching for. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about this type of insulation material, including its benefits, types, installation process, maintenance, cost, energy efficiency, and long-term benefits.

Introduction: What is Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting?

Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is a type of insulation material that is used to insulate and protect the underside of mobile homes, manufactured homes, and other types of modular housing. The skirting helps to prevent air leakage and energy loss by providing a barrier between the outside and underside of the home.

The Benefits of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

One of the main benefits of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is its ability to insulate and protect the underside of the home from the elements. It also helps to prevent air leakage, which can result in increased energy costs. This type of skirting is also easy to install, making it a popular choice among homeowners.

How Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting Works

Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting works by providing a barrier between the outside and underside of the home. This barrier helps to insulate and prevent air leakage, which can result in increased energy costs. The skirting is also designed to resist moisture and other types of environmental damage.

The Types of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

There are several types of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting available on the market, including vinyl, composite, and metal. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose the right type for your specific needs and budget.

The Installation Process

The installation process of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is relatively easy and can be done by a homeowner with some basic DIY skills. However, it is recommended that you hire a professional to do the installation, as improper installation can result in air leakage and energy loss.

Maintenance and Care

Like any other type of insulation, Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting requires some maintenance and care to ensure that it lasts for years to come. This includes regular cleaning, checking for signs of damage or wear, and repairing any cracks or holes.

Cost and Affordability

The cost of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting varies depending on the type and size of skirting you choose. However, it is generally considered to be an affordable option for homeowners, especially when compared to other types of insulation materials.

Energy Efficiency and Savings

One of the main reasons that homeowners choose Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is its ability to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. By reducing air leakage and preventing energy loss, this type of skirting can help homeowners save money on their energy bills in the long run.

Long-Term Benefits

In addition to its energy-saving benefits, Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting also provides long-term protection for your home's underside. This can help to prevent damage and deterioration over time, ensuring that your home remains secure and well-insulated for years to come.

Conclusion: Is Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting Right for You?

If you are looking for an affordable and effective way to insulate and protect the underside of your home, Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting may be the right choice for you. With its energy-saving benefits, long-term protection, and easy installation, this type of skirting is becoming an increasingly popular choice among homeowners.

As a journalist, I have come across various home improvement products that claim to revolutionize the way we live. One such product is the Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting, which promises to improve the energy efficiency of homes while also providing protection against pests and harsh weather conditions.

What is Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting?

  1. Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is made of high-density foam boards that are installed around the perimeter of a mobile or manufactured home.
  2. The foam boards are designed to fit snugly against the home's foundation, creating an insulating barrier that helps to prevent heat loss and reduce energy consumption.
  3. Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting also offers protection against pests and rodents that may try to enter the home through gaps in the skirting.
  4. The skirting is available in a range of colors and styles to match the aesthetic of any home.

Benefits of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

  • Improved energy efficiency: According to the Department of Energy, homes lose up to 30% of their heating and cooling energy through the floor. Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting helps to reduce this energy loss, resulting in lower utility bills and a more comfortable living space.
  • Protection against pests and rodents: The foam boards create a barrier that pests and rodents cannot easily penetrate, preventing infestations and damage to the home.
  • Easy installation: Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting can be installed quickly and easily by a professional or experienced DIYer.
  • Durable and long-lasting: The high-density foam boards are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist damage from impacts.
  • Aesthetically pleasing: The skirting is available in a range of colors and styles to match the look of any home, improving its curb appeal.

Real-life experience with Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting

I spoke with a homeowner who recently installed Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting around their manufactured home. They reported noticeable improvements in energy efficiency, with lower heating bills during the winter months. They also noted a reduction in pests and rodents entering their home, which had been a recurring problem prior to installing the skirting.

The homeowner also commented on the ease of installation, stating that it took only a few hours to complete the job. They were pleased with the aesthetic of the skirting, which blended seamlessly with their home's exterior.


Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is a home improvement product that offers significant benefits to homeowners looking to improve their energy efficiency and protect against pests and harsh weather conditions. Its ease of installation, durability, and aesthetic appeal make it a smart investment for any mobile or manufactured home.

Thank you for taking the time to read about Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting. As you have learned, this type of skirting is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to improve energy efficiency, reduce heating costs, and protect their property from weather damage. With its durable design and superior insulation properties, rigid foam insulated skirting provides a long-lasting solution for those looking to upgrade their home's exterior.

Whether you live in a cold climate or simply want to enhance the appearance of your home, rigid foam insulated skirting is an excellent choice. It is built to withstand harsh weather conditions and can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature throughout the year. This type of skirting also requires minimal maintenance, making it an ideal option for busy homeowners who don't have the time or resources to constantly maintain their property.

If you're interested in installing rigid foam insulated skirting for your home, be sure to contact a professional installer who can provide you with expert advice and assistance. With the right installation and maintenance, your new skirting will last for years to come and provide you with the energy savings and protection you need. Thank you again for reading, and be sure to check out our other articles for more helpful tips and information.

People also ask about Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting:

  1. What is Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting?
  2. Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is a type of skirting that is installed around the bottom of a mobile home or manufactured home. It is made from rigid foam insulation which provides an extra layer of insulation and protection against the elements.

  3. What are the benefits of using Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting?
  4. One of the main benefits of using Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is that it helps to prevent heat loss from underneath the mobile home. This can result in lower heating bills and a more comfortable living environment. Additionally, it can help to protect the underside of the home from moisture, pests, and other environmental factors that could cause damage over time.

  5. How is Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting installed?
  6. Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting is typically installed by a professional contractor. The skirting panels are cut to size and attached to the frame of the mobile home using brackets and screws. The panels are then sealed at the joints to create a barrier against moisture and air infiltration.

  7. What types of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting are available?
  8. There are several different types of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting available, including vinyl, aluminum, and composite materials. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to consider your specific needs and budget when choosing the right skirting for your mobile home.

  9. How much does Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting cost?
  10. The cost of Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of your mobile home, the type of skirting you choose, and the installation fees charged by your contractor. On average, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000 for a complete Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting installation.

If you are considering installing Rigid Foam Insulated Skirting around your mobile home, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable contractor who can help you select the right skirting for your needs and budget.

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